Monday, February 3, 2014

Diva Challenge 153

This week's Diva Challenge is UMT (Use My Tangle) #24. Our tangle to use is Jailed Johnny. Use the link right here in this post to get to the Challenge page; the link to the pattern, if you need it, is there.

Here's mine. I don't love the pattern, but I'm not unhappy with the final product.


  1. Oh, this has a very modern look to it.... nice!

  2. I like yours, with the little touch of blue. Everyone has so his own vision of this pattern, so there is a great diversity between all the results, and that is what I like very much of this challenge.

  3. What a great string to use for this pattern. Yours has a kind of heart look and the blue is a nice touch. Nice!

  4. I love the free form flow of this one plus the touch of color!

  5. I like the way you've used this tangle - squishing it into the irregular jail. I don't love this tangle either, but you've done a great job making it interesting.

  6. Great tile. Nice use of the tangle.
