Monday, February 24, 2014

Diva Challenge 156

I LOVE this challenge! I really, really like grid- based patterns, but after awhile they all started feeling the same to me. So I started using wavy lines and different angles. This week's challenge asks us "to try grid-based patterns on curvy or uneven grids.  Feel the freedom of not being constrained in right angles!!"

Here are a few tiles I've done in the past that fit right in.

This is from January 2, 2014, so, only about two months ago. The spiral string is taken from a photo I saw somewhere. The uneven gridded background is Hibred. The black beads have no name, really, but are also based on elements from the original photograph.

This was mostly a color experiment, from March 2013. The uneven grid is the white. I used paint pens to color in the grids (that was the experiment) and left it to dry, and then put Küle in each box.

But this is one of my favorites. Ive seen many others do this, too: use red to draw your attention to the design, or a part of the design. Red really pops on black and white, I guess. (What's black and white and red ...?)

Anyway, this is Bevia, September 3, 2013.

I do think I'll try more later; I like this a lot. My activity for the day has been to turn a box that came with something in it -- an iPhone cable maybe -- that was too excellent a box to recycle, into a compact  Z© kit. Pictures tomorrow, perhaps.
